Reservoir management is a continuous process from discovery to abandonment, with the objective of depleting reservoir efficiently and economicaly. It is even more important when taking the recent oil industry challenges into account. The intensity of this effort would increase in proportion to the age and size of the project, its complexity, data availability, and the resulting expected benefits.
With the Middle Eastern reservoirs background and knowledge, our team has gained invaluable international experience and expertise which can help our clients better manage their assets for a long term plan and maximum profit. Our team has also the experience of dealing with local and international vendors and subcontractors which guarantees optimum performance and production portfolio.
AES performs reservoir characterization through G&G Services (Geophysics Interpretation, Geology study/modeling), Geo-mechanic Study/modeling, comprehensive reservoir simulation, and modeling, formation evaluation from well logging to pressure transient analysis, Reserve Evaluation (CPR, PRMS, SEC), improved and enhanced oil recovery studies (IOR/EOR), Production Optimization, and to provide consulting and services to oil and gas companies participating in buy-back scheme projects, disseminate knowledge and experiences acquired during the course of projects.
At AES, we believe all pertinent decisions related to reservoir management must be made by such a multi-disciplinary team effort with synergy to ensure precise and optimum results.
We at AES along with our highly expert personnel strongly believe in this vital interaction among all disciplinary groups to improve cross-checking of information and converging approach to achieve effective reservoir management. Our experienced team will work interactively with the clients to ensure that the reservoir management plan will be implemented throughout the life of a reservoir.
The concept of IOR/EOR has been around for years; however, it has become challenging in recent years due to unforeseen and abrupt market changes since 2014. Nevertheless, our experts believe that it can be still profitable if engineered properly to choose the right technology at the right time with appropriate monitoring and supervision and subject to the candidate reservoir. Azimuth is proud to have years of study and application of IOR/EOR technologies with success. They can carefully select the applicable and profitable technology for their client’s asset with alternative scenarios at different market situations.
We strongly believe in saving our planet and keep our environment livable for our next generations. As a result, our team has been involved in renewables and environmentally friendly energies in recent years and has innovative solutions to transfer both our clients’ assets and the human resource expertise from oil and gas industry to renewable energies, likes geothermal and blue hydrogen, and GHG emission projects, or combination of both. It means longer than oil and gas production life cycle planning for our clients which secures their profitable position in the market.